From Fear to Fearless: Transforming Anxiety into Confidence

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From Fear to Fearless: Transforming Anxiety into Confidence A perfect tale of killing your anxiety and paving the foundation of unbreakable confidence with 6 simple tips

Were you ever nervous before singing as a part of the primary school choir? Almost 80% of our readers just nodded yes. We know that you did too, so stop shying away. You do not have to hide anything, anymore. Believe us; nobody will judge you here, so rest assured that your secret is safe with us. 

However, we are not only going to safeguard your secret but will also protect you against the wicked influence that overpowers your proficiencies. We know you are much more intellectual and capable than you let the world know, but no more hiding & seeking. The world has to see the underlying wisdom, and we will make sure that it does!

All it will take is your willingness. The inclination to take a step forward for yourself, to beat the devil of anxiety, and to stay resilient no matter what. So, are you ready to rumble?

Mental Health Day IllustrationConstructing Unshakeable Confidence

We shall begin the real journey soon, but before that, we need you to attempt this mini-test. This list (below) consists of some very general symptoms related to anxious and self-doubting behavioral traits. We just need you to give them a good read and put a tick on any symptom that you experience in your daily life.

Fear to Fearless:

  • Do you apologize quite often? Even for things that you are not to blame.
  • In a panic situation, does something in your head tell you ‘it’s your fault’?
  • Are you comfortable maintaining eye contact?
  • Do you have a constant fear of failure inside your head?
  • Is it normal for you to settle for things you do not agree with or want?
  • Have you ever spoken negatively about yourself? How often?
  • How regularly do you feel irritable?
  • Do you experience sudden palpitations, sweating, fatigue, or dizziness?
  • Does your head hurt around the forehead when you are thinking about something? 
  • Are you frequently restless in bed or insomniac? 

These are ten statements that you must tally with while being honest. If you get to tick at least 6 out of these 10 boxes, then congratulations! We welcome you to the clan of anxious adults. 

Cheering up for being insecure and shy is nothing to feel odd about, as we acknowledge and celebrate our weaknesses before we try to fix them. Hence, this is why you are here too. Together, we shall discuss six tips that will transform your fears into strengths. 

I appreciate what you still have.

You might be delusional if you think that feeling blessed occasionally would suffice. You need thorough gratitude journaling if you wish to overcome your anxiety. Suppose, you design logos for a living. 

Therefore, you can write about your small accomplishments in a diary, for example, how you satisfied a client with the best logo design or how you cracked a deal. Writing it down will make you feel optimistic about yourself. 

Working out the Harmony 

When you speak of peace, and synchronization in life, we are often mistaken. Harmony is not just about the mind. It is about everything, from your soul to your body, to your thoughts. All of these need to be calmed down so that you can dodge nervousness. 

For this, you need daily physical movement, a balanced diet, body relaxation massages, and plenty of slumber. As a result, your hormones will be regulated, and battling apprehensions becomes manageable. 

Fear to Fearless: One Fear at a Time 

Experiencing shivers and a subtle cardiac arrest feeling is a common symptom of coming into contact with situations that haunt you. It could be an interview, a social gathering, or even an old instructor against whom you hold some trauma. 

People connecting jigsaw pieces of a head together

Thus, pick one fear at a time—exposure therapy—and make yourself comfortable around it, with the help of an emotional well-being professional. This therapy works like a charm for victims of paranoia and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Fear to Fearless: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

It is a sort of psychotherapy that is useful in tackling the unwholesome ways in which patients reflect, feel, and conduct themselves. It helps you alter your thinking patterns and consequently, you start to have an enhanced perspective of the situations that troubled you earlier. 

Moreover, with expert help, you can learn the coping mechanisms specially designed for your needs. This further supports you in balancing your beliefs and behavioral characteristics. In addition, this technique makes you self-reliant. 

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Accommodating Peer Support

Fear to Fearless: An unfortunate truth is that you can never escape the jurisdiction of anxiety without a wholehearted peer contribution. The patients need consulting assistance for the treatment but they also need someone to be there for them the whole time. 

For instance, think of a person who works with a Presentation Design service and is very anxious about client interactions. He needs therapy but he will also require some comforting work colleagues to boost his confidence on the field. Someone who comes forward and says, ‘Relax, I have your back!’ 

Solidarity concept illustration

Fear to Fearless:Focus on What’s Ahead

Are you also among those people who think more about their setbacks than their progress? If yes! Then it is about time that you turn your fears into strengths by establishing your focus on conventional themes. 

Instead of paying attention to what went wrong and what can go wrong, just live in the moment. Be mindfully present and make the most of your existence there. Use your senses, enjoy, and create memories to cherish for a lifetime.

Q. What are some quick tricks for escaping anxiety?

Distract yourself by doing some deep breathing practice or name a few things that you can see or touch around you. Other than this, you can start putting in place some messed up things or simply start brisk walking to divert your mind from thinking about the stressful subject. 

Q. What should I do when I feel fear about something?

Your first instinct should be to talk to an adult whom you trust completely. The experts believe that such people can soothe your restlessness. Besides this, you can keep reminding yourself of the precautionary methods and safety measures. This will make you feel safe.

Q. Will the 3-3-3 rule help me fight my anxiety? 

Yes, it can be helpful. According to the rule, you must observe three objects around you by sight, hear three sounds, and move three of your body parts. Doing this awakens the inner you and you become mindful of the present situation. 

Q. How do I find out if I am anxious or just an introvert? 

If you can and still choose not to be social, then you are an introvert. However, if you try very hard and still are unable to say a word in a social gathering, then you are an anxious soul. 

Wrapping it up…

Fear only is fear until you allow it the power to afflict you. Once you decide to snatch away that scaring authority from the particular circumstances, then nothing can keep you, from being free. 

Free of all the threads that were attached to you, for years. Threads that made you anxious. Threads that made you self-doubting and threads that limited you from living a life with an open heart. However, now you have a mind-blowing solution. 

We discussed with you six cool ways to deal with your fears, and we anticipate that they will be beneficial for others like you. So, save and share!

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