Hire an App Developer: Avoid 5 Common Mistakes

By Admin

  • In the fast-evolving world of technology, the move to get an app developer should not be taken lightly, as it determines the future of any business. Nonetheless, numerous companies make mistakes during the recruitment process that often lead to delays and poor results. Read about five common mistakes in recruiting app developers and how you can reduce the chances of making such errors.

Mistake 1: Poorly Defined Project Requirements

  • This is one of the mistakes frequently committed by organizations when they hire an app developer; they do not have clearly defined project requirements. If you don’t know exactly what you want, it’s impossible to find someone with suitable skills and experience.

Make Objectives Clear

  • To outline your app’s goals, features, and purpose, describe what exactly you want your app to do for users as well as the types of problems it’ll address. Be explicit so there is no misunderstanding later.

Specifications Briefs

  • Provide comprehensive technical specifications, including wireframes, design specifications, and technical requirements, for this project roadmap. This detailed document ensures that any potential developers understand everything required of them.


  • These requirements should be effectively communicated to potential candidates. Miscommunication may lead developers to work on the wrong features or not understand the main goals behind projects, thus wasting time and resources.

The absence of clear project objectives/milestones accounts for 37% of failures, according to PMI.

Mistake 2: Cost-Oriented Approach

  • While being within budget is crucial, considering only price while hiring an app developer may result in employing less experienced professionals who will fail to deliver quality work.

Cost Is Not Everything

  • Instead of just looking at the price, consider the value added by an app developer. On many occasions, more expensive, skilled developers might finish faster with fewer mistakes, which saves money over time.

Quality Review

  • Evaluate their portfolios, references, and skills before selecting any candidate. For those who have done similar assignments in the past, can we see the quality of their work? This can show if they have extensive knowledge of what they are dealing with.


  • Allocate a reasonable budget that allows for hiring skilled professionals. Insufficient funding leads to poor outcomes and increased rework costs, as well as elongated timelines.
  • According to McKinsey research, high-quality software projects on average experience 1.5 times fewer budget overruns and two times fewer schedule slips than low-quality ones.

Mistake 3: Cultural Non-Fitness

  • Hire an app developer who is not aligned with your company’s culture often results in conflicts and inefficiencies. For team harmony and project success, cultural fit matters just like technical skills do.

Behavioral Interviews

  • Conduct behavioral interviews so you can evaluate whether a person would fit into the existing corporate culture. Ask about the candidate’s working style, values, how he/she manages conflict or shared tasks, etc., which will show you his/her attitude towards work and help you determine whether s/he will be fine within your group.

Team Colloquiums

  • Arrange meetings between potential members of staff when you can witness their interaction with each other. This is meant to see if, according to its culture, this app developer will easily cooperate within the present team structure or not.

Company Values

  • The first thing to do is to make sure that the candidate shares or will share similar values with you in your company. Here, let’s put it this way: It would be much more effective to work on a project where the developer shares your values than not doing so.

Based on findings by LinkedIn, poor cultural fit accounts for 89% of hiring failures.

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Mistake 4: Inadequate Technical Evaluation

  • Poor technical evaluation leads to hire an app developer without the necessary skills to meet an app’s high standards.

Coding Tests

  • To determine a candidate’s technical skills, coding tests should be used. They should give you confidence that they can apply what they know while working on your project based on their previous experiences.

Practical Assessments

  • You will gauge how well she understands other challenges and obstacles through practical assessments, which may be real-life scenarios. His or her capability can also be known from these things when solving such problems.

Technical Interviews

  • Conducting technical interviews involving senior developers who have experience in development would be more appropriate. These questions should go beyond simple points related to coding logic and dig deeper into how they might approach specific problems related to the given job according to its requirements.
  • According to HackerRank (2018), ninety-one percent (91%) of several employees used coding test methods, among others, such as structured & unstructured interview techniques, which were found to be traditional methods.

Mistake 5: Overlooking Post-Hire Support

  • Maintenance after a launch does not always come up during the stage of planning before launching a business service or product. This often has serious repercussions later.

Long-Term Contracts

  • Consider long-term agreements, including post-release support clauses. By doing this, one can contact them whenever something goes wrong with the program after it is officially put into use.

Maintenance Plans

  • Talk about maintenance and support plans while hiring. First of all, there are regular releases meant for bug fixes, feature enhancements, and updates that keep an application running properly and address end users’ needs.

Ongoing Training

  • An app developer who is committed to knowing about new technologies, as well as trends, would be the most suitable. The industry moves so fast that one has to learn all the time, and a developer who believes in this will help you maintain your app’s competitive edge.
  • According to Forrester Research Inc., 70% of total lifecycle costs occur after the initial release, underscoring the importance of post-launch support.
Hire an App Developer: Avoid 5 Common Mistakes

Overcoming These Mistakes

Rather than these common mistakes when recruiting developers for your project, use these approaches:

  • Define Clear Requirements: Define all requirements and goals within a comprehensive project plan. This will also help you get rid of unqualified applicants in the early stages.
  • Prioritize Quality: Instead of concentrating on how much it will cost you, evaluate what else any developer can bring into your business. As far as any project is concerned, quality surpasses budget limitations.
  • Assess Cultural Fit: You need to make sure the candidate is going to fit with your team or company culture. Such a working environment fosters better cooperation among colleagues while increasing productivity.
  • Thorough Technical Evaluation: It helps by conducting extensive technical evaluations on what he/she can do. This way, they will have the necessary skills to carry out your project’s due dates.
  • Plan for the Future: When hiring new staff members, always think about post-launch support plus maintenance. Thus, this ensures stable future coexistence with technological improvement over time.
  • You can avoid these pitfalls by finding an app developer who meets your technical requirements and also aligns with your long-term business objectives (see this detailed guide on how to hire a mobile app development company for more about selecting the right app developer among many others available today).


When hiring an app developer or designer, it is important to think through every aspect of it carefully. To simplify the hiring process and make it a success, be sure to avoid these pitfalls. It is important to remember that many things need to be taken into account when looking for the best mobile application developers for your firm because they can contribute significantly to growing the business and profitability.

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