8 Reasons ChatGPT is Highly Discouraged for Essay Writing

By Admin

  • The question is why ChatGPT is highly discouraged for essay writing. ChatGPT, a common name, became one of the most popular options for students around the globe as soon as it was launched. What made it more popular was its ability to understand humans and use datasets with just a single command, and the whole answer is in your way. It is the most common chatbot or research tool among students. 
  • It acts as a slow poison. Students are getting so addicted to it that they neglect its negative side. They imagine that this tool is a lifesaver for them but are unaware of the impact it will have on their future.
  • This blog is designed in such a way that it will help create awareness among those students who have made it their habit to use this tool daily.

ChatGPT is highly discouraged

  • ChatGPT is impacting students of all standards. Whether they are school, college, or university students, the negative impact of this tool can be explained in different ways. Some of them are mentioned below. Remember! These causes will worsen as time passes and no action is taken to resolve them. Let’s dig into some of these alarming causes.

Lack of originality

  • In writing essays in academic settings, one of the crucial elements is originality. This can be achieved through independent thinking and critical analysis. But this is not possible if you are prompting ChatGPT to write your essays. This is one of the reasons that ChatGPT is highly discouraged.
  • ChatGPT responses are based on the existing data. These essays will lack originality and uniqueness. When your instructor reads through the essay, it will be similar in context and words to those of your classmates. The point is, how does ChatGPT function in writing? It uses phrases and statements from existing sources and carelessly paraphrases them without reflecting on new perspectives or ideas.  

Risk of plagiarism

  • As previously stated, ChatGPT uses information from existing sources to write your essay when you provide instructions for it. This leads to the risk of producing content that is the result of copying and using others’ information without acknowledging the main author.
  • It is noticed that this site produces sentences and phrases that closely resemble existing works, and ChatGPT is not in practice to provide citations. This is a big risk for academic writers, and it can end up putting users at risk of plagiarism accusations.  

Lack of critical thinking

  • Essay writing is a daunting task. A writer thinks critically to analyze, evaluate, and arrange the information. This work can only be done by a human brain. ChatGPT can help you produce and generate an academic essay, but this content will miss the element of critical thinking. This means that these essays will be in-depth and will fail to address the complexities and hidden meaning behind the text. This will result in incomplete and superficial analyses.  

Quality control issues

  • One of the reasons why ChatGPT is highly discouraged is that when you ask either services from around the world, like assignment help online in Ireland, to complete your assignments or AI tools to write your assignments, you need to compromise on the quality of the text.
  • The text produced by ChatGPT has significant variations. This doesn’t mean that AI produces grammatically wrong sentences, but you cannot guarantee the accuracy, relevance, or scholarly value of the content generated by AI.

Limited understanding of the context

  • As critical thinking is important when writing essays, ChatGPT is lagging in this skill. Although it can analyze any language, it struggles to understand the critical topics’ context and the specific requirements that are needed in each topic. No matter how well you prompt the requirements.
  • AI might misinterpret them and produce content that is either irrelevant or off-topic. This leads to producing essays that do not clearly and correctly address the question being asked by the instructor or fail to meet the expectations of the assigned work. 

Over-reliance on AI

  • When you become habitual of something, it is always a risk. In the same way, if you continuously keep using ChatGPT to write your essays, it will result in some disadvantages. One of the biggest demerits of relying on AI is that you start diminishing your writing and researching skills.
  • Essay writing is an important component of academic growth. It helps students learn the art of articulating their thoughts, enjoying the gist of conducting research, and building grounds for coherent arguments. When you get yourself addicted to AI, you will start losing your creativity. You won’t be able to enjoy the charm of conducting research, and ultimately, after some time, you will feel that there is a halt to your academic growth.  
  • Students using ChatGPT to write their essays have often complained about some problems. They have reported that they need to fulfill the requirements of extensive editing and fast-checking before they can submit their assignments. This is a time-consuming process that cannot be facilitated by the tools they have utilized in writing these assignments.

Ethical concerns

  • Using ChatGPT to write your academic essays marginalizes the boundaries of ethical consideration. These sites use other author’s work to produce your work. You copy the content produced by AI and submit it to your instructor as your work. Isn’t this ethically wrong? This is considered academic dishonesty. This will create a situation that challenges the fairness and integrity of academic assessments, undermining the value of academic credentials.
8 Reasons ChatGPT is Highly Discouraged for Essay Writing

Inability to learn and improve

  • Have you ever thought about why students are given assignments to complete or essays to write? Although this can easily be achieved through essay writing services, one of the benefits of developing essay writing skills is that students learn and improve their writing with time by learning from their errors and resolving them. If they use applications like ChatGPT to write essays, they might not improve.
  • The writing process involves the steps of making drafts, receiving feedback, and revising your work according to the feedback. Students using ChatGPT will miss this opportunity to learn to fulfill all these steps. Hence, they might clear certain time assignments but will not be able to grow when they enter their professional career. Hence, this practice is essential for strong writing abilities and intellectual growth, which is not possible if you generate your content through AI. 

What are the drawbacks of using ChatGPT to write essays?

  • ChatGPT is an advanced tool that can help you write essays. You can use them by promoting commands to understand complex topics. Students who solely depend on it to write their essays have reported multiple issues. These issues are described as memory loss, loss of creative skills, and lack of elements of critical thinking in the essays written by these AI tools. Ultimately, these issues result in poor academic performance.  

Is the information incorporated in essays written by ChatGPT authentic?

  • You cannot rely on the information used in these essays. All this content is already part of various articles on social media written by different authors. ChatGPT uses all this data and generates an essay for you that lacks creativity and does not even acknowledge the first author. 

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Let’s sum up

  • This blog helps us to summarize some of the key points about the most alarming topic and why ChatGPT is highly discouraged for essay writing.
  • We can conclude that the disadvantage of students using AI like ChatGPT affects their personal development. This has stopped students from harming their academic growth and losing their chance to improve their communication, critical thinking, and many other skills that are essential to be developed in academic years for a later professional career. 

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