8 Social Issues Canadians Face Today

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  • What Social Issues Canadians Face Today? Canada is the second-largest nation in the entire world based on geographical size, considering land area. As such, it is referred to as a developed country, given the stable and fully-fledged economy of the country. A large part of the economy depends on the mining of natural resources, such as gold, zinc, and copper, but extensive oil business. This successful country is home to over 38 million inhabitants, hundreds of diverse languages, and picturesque natural landscapes.
  • Like every nation, Canada struggles through various social issues today, such as mental health challenges, family violence, poverty, and so on. These common societal problems are negatively impacting native and immigrant citizens in almost every aspect of life. In this article, we’ll shed light on the eight most serious social issues Canadians face these days: 

Here Are 8 Biggest Social Issues Canadians Face Today 

Mental Health Challenges

  • Even in 2024, Canada, despite becoming one of the most progressive nations on earth, will have mental health challenges. It remains one of their primary social issues, and one out of five Canadians suffers from mental issues like depression. The most commonly diagnosed illnesses in their citizens are bipolar disorder, eating disorder, substance addiction, anxiety, PTSD, schizophrenia, and CMHA.
  • Most funds allocated by the Canadian government are for physical illnesses, and not much attention is paid to mental disorders. There is a high need for addiction counseling, psychologists, and social workers to overcome mental health challenges. 

Gambling Addiction Issues

  • The legalization of gambling and casinos has been active in Canada since 1969, though there were a few scattered legal cases before that. Since then, slot machines; sports bookies; animal racing; Casinos; and, video lottery terminals have been in all regions.
  • Many Canadians are trying their luck in a fair and legal game of chance, making gambling quite popular in the country. On the other hand, countless individuals never buy a lottery ticket, as they consider it a low-class pastime. They are those who believe in making their luck in life through hard and smart work.
  • Gambling and casinos have become problematic ever since they’re available through online platforms. Multiple cases have been recorded, turning this situation into a social issue that seems challenging to tackle. Thankfully, support systems are springing up in the country to help addicted individuals overcome their addiction. However, there is a high requirement for rehabs to treat severely affected ones. 

Women Injustice

  • Approximately 25% of violent crimes have been reported against women by the Canadian police. The Canadian Women’s Foundation has recorded that more than 6,000 women and children sleep in shelters every night. These massive statistics are proof of social injustice against both ladies and kids. We have only mentioned the digits sheltering in the foundations, while there are many homeless women and children.
  • Books on social issues of Canadians mention that First Nation Canadians are six times more likely to be killed by their partners than non-native women. One out of six ladies is killed by their intimate partners every six days, making this social issue quite bizarre. Government and support organizations need to take action to overcome this concerning challenge.

Violence Against Family

  • Violence against families is one of the most concerning social issues that countless families are facing in Canada today. Its consequences are across the board, and statistics on this matter are constantly increasing, primarily due to increased crimes against children. Though the ratio has declined previously by 19% between 2009 and 2016, it is on the rise once again.
  • According to the police reports, family violence trends mainly include spousal ferocity against women and the elderly. However, some cases have also been reported of violence towards men. Nonetheless, this issue needs to be overcome through the collective efforts of communities and government. It would lead to a happy and prosperous community, as well as the nation. 

Social Policies For Drugs And Alcohol

  • The Canadian government has prohibited drugs and alcohol in the country to tackle severe social problems. As most drinkers were not native to the country, the restrictions on the sale of alcohol baffled and annoyed them. Due to growing backlash from citizens, marijuana possession has become legal since 2018. However, improper regulation of this matter has caused an opioid crisis in the country. 
  • It seems that the government is not very keen on shutting down sources that operate without a license for marijuana sales. Nearly 1500 drug addicts have been claimed to have died due to overdosages in the year 2020, and the consequences look apparent. The rationale is that the majority of people who take drugs purchase this substance from either licensed or unauthorized outlets.
8 Social Issues Canadians Face Today

Racial Discrimination, Particularly Against First Nations

  • Various forms of racial discrimination are taking place in Canada, but the most common among all is against First Nations. The native population is still going through social and economic problems, while immigrants are getting ahead. First Nations are currently facing issues, such as poverty, unemployment, suicide, addiction, and health illnesses.
  • The award-winning author, Grant Moore, discusses this issue in his work and denotes racism as the root cause of this problem. Though the government has accepted responsibility for injustices toward First Nations, the issue remains. 

Issues Related To Weapon Possession

  • Similar to the US, Canada is also popular for hunting, but weapon possession is one of the most conflict-ridden social issues. Owning a gun is a necessity not in terms of sports but for protection against bear attacks, which are still possible in rural areas. Conversely, as much as firearm possession is a need for defense against wild animals, it is also a prominent cause of massacres. 
  • Multiple innocent individuals have been reported to have been killed since 2018, which has heated up debates on gun ownership. The rate of firearm-related violence crimes per 100,000 population has been noted to have escalated to 9% in 2023, making this among the issues that require urgent intervention.  There are over five million poor people in Canada at this very moment.
  • It is being seen among individuals of all ages, young and old, across national boundaries, regardless of their status in life. The root causes of this challenging problem are unemployment, substandard housing, health policy, expensive education, and low return rates of investments. Despite Canada being recognized as a prosperous country, millions of Canadians struggle to meet their necessities. 
  • Many suffering individuals have to reach out to the government and other support systems to get out of poverty. These social issues further result in poor health outcomes, high-stress levels, social marginalization, and lower educational achievements. Moreover, people are unable to unlock their infinite potential due to poverty.  

What are the current social issues in Canada?

  • Climate change, gender inequality, immigration policy, and indigenous rights are the trending social issues in Canada. 

What is Canada majorly struggling with?

  • It is struggling significantly with excessive federal spending, public service employment, and national debt. The Bank of Canada is currently fighting inflation single-handedly while living, and housing expenditures are vastly surging. 

What is the most pressing social justice challenge in Canada today?

  • Racial discrimination is the most pressing social injustice there is today, especially against the First Nations. The native population is still experiencing societal and economic challenges, while immigrants and other Canadians prosper.

More Interesting Reads: From Fear to Fearless: Transforming Anxiety into Confidence

Final Verdict 

  • Albeit currently ranking high in terms of economic standards and receiving praise as one of the most progressive countries in the world, Canada experiences certain social issues. Depression, suicide, gambling, and violence—these issues do not limit the circle of Canadians, people of any income level or origin.
  • Government, communities, and support organizations need to address such concerns and try to contribute to the change in society. Though attempts are being made to deal with these challenges, more engagement is needed. With Canada as the main focus, it can be seen how people need to be given a fair chance in the society they live in as the country progresses.
  • The discussed social issues have to be solved to make the country a full-fledged home for everyone where people can have a happy life. People will free themselves from the burdens of discrimination, addiction, and inequality. It may be challenging, but a brighter future is within reach for all Canadians through collective effort and compassion.

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